Counseling - Oregon & Washington

"A failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is not trying."-B. F. Skinner

Education & Experience


Credentials & Education:

Licensed Clinical Social Worker - Oregon (L3405)

Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker  - Washington (LW00007518)

Master of Social Work - 2000
Health & Mental Health Concentration
Family Therapy Specialization
George Warren Brown School of Social Work
Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri

2000 Certificate in Family Therapy, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri

Bachelor of Arts: Major – Social Work, Minor – Spanish - 1998
Utah State University, Logan, Utah

Teaching Experience:

  • Lewis & Clark College, Portland Oregon
    Guest Lecturer, 2010-Present
    Bachelors level Clinical Psychology
  • Washington University, St. Louis Missouri
    Teaching Associate, 2001-2003
    Masters level Advanced Family Therapy
  • Washington University, St. Louis Missouri
    Guest Lecturer, 2000
    Bachelors level Health Psychology
  • George Warren Brown, Washington University
    Teaching Assistant, 1999
    Masters level Theories and Practice in Family Therapy